Monday, May 10, 2010

interview dan kucing (?)

well bloggers, gue tadi interview SMP Taruna Bakti!! (berhubung postingan ini ada kucing-kucingnya jadi gue pake emot dan nah, to the point aja ya

jadi, tadi kan interview taruna bakti, ditanyainnya pertanyaan gak penting sih cuma gini:
(?) = bu guru (+) = ekeh yang keceh ini

(?) please introduce yourself (kalo gak salah gitu)
(+) well, my name is Mutiara Fadhilah Putri Parijin, my friends call me Muti. I'm 12 years old blah blah blah
(?) why'd you choose taruna bakti?
(+) because I want to join the hockey club
(?) just that? (gila gua gak tau mau jawab apa dong)
(+) and taruna bakti is a good school too (ngasal banget jawabnya
(?) ooh, so do you like hockey?
(+) of course
(?) what do you know about the billingual class? and do you want to join it?
(+) sure
(?) what's your hobby?
(+) I like playing with my pets and playing computer
(?) what's your pets?
(+) cats
(?) how many is that?
(+) FIVE
(?) wooow FIVE
(?) so, how (apa what gitu lupa) your opinion about the traffic jam?
(+) heh? the fumes from the cars destroyed the atmosphere (jawab ngarang
(?) good, thanks.
(+) dalem ati : cepet amat

pas udah beres kan gue nebeng si Aisha ya, nah kebetulan dia belom dijemput, jadi aja ke KFC dulu gue cuma beli pepsi, cream soup, sama ice cream maruk ya maruk udah nunggu sejam baru ke rumah Aisha, terus gue dijemput dan disambut dengaaan kucing baru yang lucuuuu seperti ini kurang lebih mukanya :

ini boy

ini pretty pixie


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